Daily Sagittarius Horoscope April 28 (28/04)


Now 22 − Dec 21

Alias: Alias: The Archer

April 28


daily sagittarius horoscope:

summary sagittarius daily

Star 7/10

It might be increasingly clear how something in your world needs building or possibly rebuilding from the ground up and if it feels as if youre having to backtrack in order to make progress, then dont underestimate the value and benefits of having to return to Square One. What might have been done incorrectly previously was the result of not knowing back then what you know now. Applying new knowledge and experience will ensure a different result this time.


summary sagittarius tomorrow

Star 7/10

Quitters never win and winners never quit, so the old saying goes. You might have a seemingly justified reason to abandon a plan but have you not overcome greater hurdles than those presenting themselves now? You might be convincing yourself youve explored and tried all available options but its about to become clear you havent. Words of encouragement, possibly from an older and wiser individual, might be all that are needed to restore your confidence.


summary sagittarius weekly

Star 8/10

The coming week looks set to help you learn something valuable about yourself and, through doing so, youll be in an excellent position to move a particular plan forward that involves a plan or project close to your heart. Whatever it is you discover might alter a plan but in a way that helps you to pursue it more realistically. Its time to address something youve chosen to ignore and once you take a brave step forward, life will, in many ways, become noticeably easier and sweeter.


summary sagittarius monthly

Star 8/10

Are you a small cog in a big machine? Given that there are over seven billion of us on the spinning rock we inhabit, we can all feel insignificant if we choose to focus on feeling such a way. Yet, we know were all unique in our own ways and its your uniqueness that can play a helpful if not integral part in a master plan. You might have been overlooking the unique contribution you can make in a particular area. This hasnt helped certain others to recognize it, either. This month, you find a way to stand out from the crowd in a way that brings recognition and respect.


health sagittarius daily

Star 8/10

You love this time of year because it\s all about evaluating and planning. What can you do for your health that was lacking during the past few months? If you prefer bottled water, do you have a water delivery service? It\s cheaper than buying bottles. If you prefer organic produce, consider signing up with a monthly club that delivers local organic produce to your door for much less money than what you would pay at the market. Plan for a healthy year!


health sagittarius tomorrow

Star 7/10

Today is all about reform. Whatever can be improved upon, your soul is right on the scene. You finally want to start focusing more on your well-being. You are known for being focused on the greater good while sometimes egregiously ignoring the personal, the right here at home, the person looking at you in the mirror... Get where this is going? Stop saving the world and get yourself to the gym, and pay attention to what your body is trying to tell you.


health sagittarius weekly

Star 8/10

You may be thinking about your health as a way to improve your image. It isn\t just your image that needs boosting - your confidence does, too. If you look good, you\ll feel good. If you work out and eat well, your whole appearance will glow with health. This will do more for you than all the plastic surgery in the world. Give yourself a chance to shine on the inside as well as the outside. It will transform you.


health sagittarius monthly

Star 7/10

You could find yourself of two minds this month, with one part of you eager to upgrade your health status and another very happy to stay inside your comfort zone. You\ll need to decide what you want to accomplish. If you have a lot going on, it might be best to lower your expectations so you can work with a more manageable routine. Mars zips through your lifestyle sector, so your energy could be fairly buoyant so long as you maintain some discipline. But the wrong foods could prove tempting, so you\ll have to be vigilant and fairly strict with yourself.


love sagittarius daily

Star 7/10

An intriguing conversation may mean that you become further acquainted with someone special. The current astral configuration brings real warmth and a genuine appreciation of the subtleties of life. You will find that in their company your spirits are lifted, and you feel that life is good. You will also discover that you seem to have the knack of encouraging each other to greater things.


love sagittarius tomorrow

Star 9/10

Your future could be powerfully rearranged by certain events. The present planetary alignment indicates that a love affair has a profound impact on your future plans and goals. You may have decided to go one way, yet find that what has recently transpired causes you to reconsider the whole structure and fabric of your life. Before rushing into a decision, make sure you think it through.


love sagittarius weekly

Star 10/10

If you knew then what you know now, would you do it all over again exactly the same way? You\re fighting feelings of regret at the start of a new week, but it\s doubtful that you\ll get a total do-over anytime soon. You did the best you could, so let that be good enough for now. If someone new seems too good to be true over the weekend, get to know the person a little better. Looks can be deceiving.


love sagittarius monthly

Star 10/10

Relationship issues you thought you\d finally laid to rest could return as Saturn turns retrograde on April 6. There\s really no avoiding it this time. Own up to past mistakes so you can finally get past them. The Sun/Uranus conjunction on April 14 raises your level of integrity higher than usual, which is saying a lot for fair-minded Archers. There\s no way you\ll do anyone wrong midmonth, so your romantic reputation should be stellar. If not, do some damage control. Venus backs into Aries on April 26, and you may resort to schoolyard tactics. If you tease someone, it generally means you like them!


career sagittarius daily

Star 9/10

You will feel indecisive, and this will make you irritable since you would rather make a decision than sit in limbo. Resist the temptation to act without thinking first. It is fine to spend time in deliberation. It will behoove you to do so.


career sagittarius tomorrow

Star 7/10

Your thinking speeds up. You will find that what used to take you hours to process now only takes a few minutes. This mental alacrity will be with you for the next few weeks, so use this time to your advantage. You can accomplish a great deal.


career sagittarius weekly

Star 7/10

This time begins a welcome period in which you can feel confident and happy no matter what your work situation. Get as much done as possible, especially outstanding assignments. There could be some unexpected changes. Someone may be confused by your natural reserve. This can be misinterpreted as arrogance. Speak up and ask friendly questions to put others at ease. The time is ideal for a serious conversation you may have been avoiding.


career sagittarius monthly

Star 7/10

On April 10, you\ll finally be able to walk away from a troubled collaboration. Trying to create something of value on a shoestring budget has been frustrating. If anyone angrily demands why the results are so shoddy, be honest. This is one of those situations where you get what you pay for. The New Moon on April 26 marks the beginning of a much better assignment. Not only will there be ample resources available but you\ll also derive a lot of creative fulfillment from this job. It might be necessary to work from home at times when you need peace and quiet.



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